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Fauteuil Model BO 360 in Suede, Jorgensen

Fauteuil Model BO 360 in Suede, Jorgensen

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Chair model BO 360 in suede, a Museum piece Tubular easy chair with a suede leather seat. The cover is tightly stretched across a tubular frame, but is not stitched (picture #4 - #5). The leather strings used to attach the seat to the base are not original; some photos show the former temporary restoration with ty raps, but currently a leather cord has been used as shown on picture #5, #15 and #16  This beautiful elegant easy chair shows traces of wear like stains on the leather cover, rusty spot on the base. Special detail is the transparent feet/ floor cabs (#11 and #12)

Weight 8 kg

The width of the seat is 53 cm and the total width of the chair is 68 cm

Verkoop; Vintage: All-in prijs, zonder BTW vermelding
Ontwerp Jaar:
Product jaar:
Jørgensen, Erik Ole
Hoogte: 67 cm
Breedte: 68 cm
Diepte: 68 cm
Zithoogte: 34 cm
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