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Martinelli, Elio

Elio Martinelli was born at Lucca in 1921.After having attended the industrial school, he gets a diploma at the Institute of Fine Arts in Florence as a set designer and over the years he contributes with his creativity to the development of his father Plinio’s activity in the lighting sector.
After several years and several experiences in the set designing field, he starts his professional activity in the studio located in downtown at Lucca.At the beginning he focuses on interior design and on fitting out for shops, restaurants, hotels and pubs.
The need to finish his projects induces him to design and to carry out on his own the lighting systems.In the 50s he starts the production and the first catalogue.
During these years Elio Martinelli brings out his simple and strict inspiration boosting strongly the company that becomes the reference point for the Italian design in the lighting field.
Elio Martinelli is well-known both in Italy and abroad and starts to work together with renowned designers in this sector obtaining awards and recognitions.
In 1966, under his guidance, the company takes part to the first edition of Eurodomus, under the architect Gio’ Ponti’s invitation, and afterwards it attends the following editions in 1968, 1970 and 1972.
In 1973 it is also present at the XIV th and the XV th edition of the Milan Triennial as well as at all the following editions of the Milan Fair, now Euroluce and Intel. Simplicity, geometry and nature with its numerous forms have always been Elio Martinelli’s inspiration. It is a growing of insights using new materials, such as methacrylate, tested on various models from the very beginning of the production and design activities.
It is a search for new ideas, new technologies and production systems taking into account the constant evolution of light sources.
Thus, several lamps result from these trials such as Foglia, the several Bolla, Flex, Serpente, Cobra, Nuvole vagabonde, Biconica and funny creations such as Rondini, Cavallo Pazzo, Geronimo, and many others. It is to be pointed out the introduction of some models of the Martinelli Luce collection in important museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museès des Art Decoratifs in Montreal and the Museum of Art in Philadelphia.
Other fixturess were and are still proposed in several publications and exhibited during sector shows.
During the latest years, with the introduction of new light sources, Elio Martinelli guides design also towards a more technical sector: it results lighting systems and fixturess of big dimensions, of different typologies and also on request, studied for different places and for new needs.
Elio Martinelli is tireless, he goes to the company everyday till his death in 2004; but, still today, after forty years, some lamps he designed, such as Cobra, keep on communicating to us that original design impulse, despite the so different context.

2e Hands: circa 50% online;
Collectors Items: circa 25% online;
Verdere info per mail.

Met betrekking tot het aanbod van Moderne Klassiekers is het belangrijk te weten dat er met regelmaat stukken verhandeld worden, welke niet origineel zijn en/of zijn samengesteld uit originele en niet originele of gekopieerde onderdelen. Voorkom een miskoop en teleurstelling en koop bij een betrouwbare specialist.

BeBoB is ontstaan vanuit recycling oogpunt en het in ere houden van de vormgeving uit de 20e eeuw, d.m.v. een stichting en specialiseert zich al bijna 30 jaar in het verzamelen, tentoonstellen, restaureren en in- en verkopen van o.a. in het oog springende industriële vormgeving en topdesign-stukken van goede ontwerpers uit de vorige eeuw, hanteert maximaal de minimale adviesverkoopprijs bij nieuwe Klassiekers, redelijke prijzen bij vintage en collector's items. BeBoB werkt zo groen mogelijk en schenkt minimaal 10 % vaan de winst aan een goed doel en is niet gefocust op winstbejag en biedt u zo een veilige plaats om samen te werken of aankopen te doen.

2e Hands: circa 50% online;
Collectors Items: circa 25% online;
Verdere info per mail.

Nieuw ; Catalogus-Prijs, vaak minimaal 10% Korting én bij eventuele inruil een extreem goede prijs. 
Vintage / Bottom End ; Circa 35% tot 65% van de nieuwprijs. Uiteindelijk bij ons vaak iets duurder dan op Marktplaats e.d. maar ... bij ons kunt u ergens op terug komen, wordt u correct geholpen op een prachtige locatie en heeft u recht op goede service. 
Bij calamiteiten helpen we u bovendien gratis of tegen een concurrerende prijs verder, via ons atelier.
Verzamel Items ; Uit ontwerp-periode dus vaak duurder, maar ook een betere investering. 
We kunnen aan bijna alle klassiekers komen, tegen concurrerende prijzen.

2e Hands: circa 50% online;
Collectors Items: circa 25% online;
Verdere info per mail.


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